
C && C++, C++ STL, 编程

C++ STL 读书笔记:iterator








   *  @defgroup iterators Iterators
   *  Abstractions for uniform iterating through various underlying types.

   *  @defgroup iterator_tags Iterator Tags
   *  These are empty types, used to distinguish different iterators.  The
   *  distinction is not made by what they contain, but simply by what they
   *  are.  Different underlying algorithms can then be used based on the
   *  different operations supported by different iterator types.
  ///  Marking input iterators.
  struct input_iterator_tag { };

  ///  Marking output iterators.
  struct output_iterator_tag { };

  /// Forward iterators support a superset of input iterator operations.
  struct forward_iterator_tag : public input_iterator_tag { };

  /// Bidirectional iterators support a superset of forward iterator
  /// operations.
  struct bidirectional_iterator_tag : public forward_iterator_tag { };

  /// Random-access iterators support a superset of bidirectional
  /// iterator operations.
  struct random_access_iterator_tag : public bidirectional_iterator_tag { };

   *  @brief  Common %iterator class.
   *  This class does nothing but define nested typedefs.  %Iterator classes
   *  can inherit from this class to save some work.  The typedefs are then
   *  used in specializations and overloading.
   *  In particular, there are no default implementations of requirements
   *  such as @c operator++ and the like.  (How could there be?)

  template<typename _Category, typename _Tp, typename _Distance = ptrdiff_t,
           typename _Pointer = _Tp*, typename _Reference = _Tp&>
    struct iterator
      /// One of the @link iterator_tags tag types@endlink.
      typedef _Category  iterator_category;
      /// The type "pointed to" by the iterator.
      typedef _Tp        value_type;
      /// Distance between iterators is represented as this type.
      typedef _Distance  difference_type;
      /// This type represents a pointer-to-value_type.
      typedef _Pointer   pointer;
      /// This type represents a reference-to-value_type.
      typedef _Reference reference;

   *  @brief  Traits class for iterators.
   *  This class does nothing but define nested typedefs.  The general
   *  version simply @a forwards the nested typedefs from the Iterator
   *  argument.  Specialized versions for pointers and pointers-to-const
   *  provide tighter, more correct semantics.
  template<typename _Iterator>
    struct iterator_traits
      typedef typename _Iterator::iterator_category iterator_category;
      typedef typename _Iterator::value_type        value_type;
      typedef typename _Iterator::difference_type   difference_type;
      typedef typename _Iterator::pointer           pointer;
      typedef typename _Iterator::reference         reference;

	//特化版本,如果_Tp为原生指针(比如 int *),那么其内部就没有value_type,于是将
	//value_type 通过typedef再次定义为_Tp(比如 int)
  /// Partial specialization for pointer types.
  template<typename _Tp>
    struct iterator_traits<_Tp*>
      typedef random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
      typedef _Tp                         value_type;
      typedef ptrdiff_t                   difference_type;
      typedef _Tp*                        pointer;
      typedef _Tp&                        reference;

	//因为value_type并不是常量(比如_Tp是 const int *,那么它的type其实是int,而不是const int)
  /// Partial specialization for const pointer types.
  template<typename _Tp>
    struct iterator_traits<const _Tp*>
      typedef random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
      typedef _Tp                         value_type;
      typedef ptrdiff_t                   difference_type;
      typedef const _Tp*                  pointer;
      typedef const _Tp&                  reference;

   *  This function is not a part of the C++ standard but is syntactic
   *  sugar for internal library use only.
  template<typename _Iter>
    inline typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::iterator_category
    __iterator_category(const _Iter&)
    { return typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::iterator_category(); }







  template<typename _InputIterator>
    inline typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::difference_type
    __distance(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last,
      // concept requirements

      typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::difference_type __n = 0;
      while (__first != __last)
      return __n;
  template<typename _RandomAccessIterator>
    inline typename iterator_traits<_RandomAccessIterator>::difference_type
    __distance(_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last,
      // concept requirements
      return __last - __first;//如果是iterator支持随机读取,那么两个iterator间的距离很好计算

   *  @brief A generalization of pointer arithmetic.
   *  @param  first  An input iterator.
   *  @param  last  An input iterator.
   *  @return  The distance between them.
   *  Returns @c n such that first + n == last.  This requires that @p last
   *  must be reachable from @p first.  Note that @c n may be negative.
   *  For random access iterators, this uses their @c + and @c - operations
   *  and are constant time.  For other %iterator classes they are linear time.

  template<typename _InputIterator>
    inline typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::difference_type
    distance(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last)
      // concept requirements -- taken care of in __distance
      return std::__distance(__first, __last,

  template<typename _InputIterator, typename _Distance>
    inline void
    __advance(_InputIterator& __i, _Distance __n, input_iterator_tag)
      // concept requirements
      while (__n--)

  template<typename _BidirectionalIterator, typename _Distance>
    inline void
    __advance(_BidirectionalIterator& __i, _Distance __n,
      // concept requirements
      if (__n > 0)
        while (__n--)
        while (__n++)

  template<typename _RandomAccessIterator, typename _Distance>
    inline void
    __advance(_RandomAccessIterator& __i, _Distance __n,
      // concept requirements
      __i += __n;//iterator支持随机读取,直接相加即可。

   *  @brief A generalization of pointer arithmetic.
   *  @param  i  An input iterator.
   *  @param  n  The @a delta by which to change @p i.
   *  @return  Nothing.
   *  This increments @p i by @p n.  For bidirectional and random access
   *  iterators, @p n may be negative, in which case @p i is decremented.
   *  For random access iterators, this uses their @c + and @c - operations
   *  and are constant time.  For other %iterator classes they are linear time.
  template<typename _InputIterator, typename _Distance>
    inline void
    advance(_InputIterator& __i, _Distance __n)
      // concept requirements -- taken care of in __advance
      typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::difference_type __d = __n;
      std::__advance(__i, __d, std::__iterator_category(__i));




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