
linux, 操作系统





cstriker1407@cstriker1407-x64:~$ ps --help all

 ps [options]

Basic options:
 -A, -e               all processes
 -a                   all with tty, except session leaders
  a                   all with tty, including other users
 -d                   all except session leaders
 -N, --deselect       negate selection
  r                   only running processes
  T                   all processes on this terminal
  x                   processes without controlling ttys

Selection by list:
 -C <command>         command name
 -G, --Group <gid>    real group id or name
 -g, --group <group>  session or effective group name
 -p, --pid <pid>      process id
     --ppid <pid>     select by parent process id
 -s, --sid <session>  session id
 -t, t, --tty <tty>   terminal
 -u, U, --user <uid>  effective user id or name
 -U, --User <uid>     real user id or name

  selection <arguments> take either:
    comma-separated list e.g. '-u root,nobody' or
    blank-separated list e.g. '-p 123 4567'

Output formats:
 -F                   extra full
 -f                   full-format, including command lines
  f, --forest         ascii art process tree
 -H                   show process hierarchy
 -j                   jobs format
  j                   BSD job control format
 -l                   long format
  l                   BSD long format
 -M, Z                add security data (for SELinux)
 -O <format>          preloaded with default columns
  O <format>          as -O, with BSD personality
 -o, o, --format <format>
                      user defined format
  s                   signal format
  u                   user-oriented format
  v                   virtual memory format
  X                   register format
 -y                   do not show flags, show rrs vs. addr (used with -l)
     --context        display security context (for SELinux)
     --headers        repeat header lines, one per page
     --no-headers     do not print header at all
     --cols, --columns, --width <num>
                      set screen width
     --rows, --lines <num>
                      set screen height

Show threads:
  H                   as if they where processes
 -L                   possibly with LWP and NLWP columns
 -m, m                after processes
 -T                   possibly with SPID column

Miscellaneous options:
 -c                   show scheduling class with -l option
  c                   show true command name
  e                   show the environment after command
  k,    --sort        specify sort order as: [+|-]key[,[+|-]key[,...]]
  L                   list format specifiers
  n                   display numeric uid and wchan
  S,    --cumulative  include some dead child process data
 -y                   do not show flags, show rss (only with -l)
 -V, V, --version     display version information and exit
 -w, w                unlimited output width

        --help <simple|list|output|threads|misc|all>
                      display help and exit

For more details see ps(1).



ps -ef:


ps -e f:


ps -ef f:



12 + 17 =

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