
安全, 操作系统







http://hi.baidu.com/huting/item/da97ec5314bd482933e0a9dc  】

Nessus商用版本不是免费的,这里我们使用home版本来学习,下载地址:【 http://www.tenable.com/products/nessus/select-your-operating-system 】,这里作者下载的是:【 Nessus-5.2.6-debian6_amd64.deb 】
注册地址:【 http://www.tenable.com/products/nessus-home 】


root@kali:~# dpkg -i Nessus-5.2.6-debian6_amd64.deb 
Selecting previously unselected package nessus.
(正在读取数据库 ... 系统当前共安装有 332892 个文件和目录。)
正在解压缩 nessus (从 Nessus-5.2.6-debian6_amd64.deb) ...
正在设置 nessus (5.2.6) ...
nessusd (Nessus) 5.2.6 [build N25116] for Linux
Copyright (C) 1998 - 2014 Tenable Network Security, Inc

Processing the Nessus plugins...

All plugins loaded

 - You can start nessusd by typing /etc/init.d/nessusd start
 - Then go to https://kali:8834/ to configure your scanner

root@kali:~#  /etc/init.d/nessusd start
$Starting Nessus : .

然后使用浏览器打开【 】,第一次进入后会提示输入用户名和密码,以及激活码,成功之后会下载最新的插件,初始化插件,会耗时一段时间。

这里笔记个地址,以后有机会学习下【 http://www.youtube.com/tenablesecurity 】



简单起见,这里以【  Basic Network Scan 】为模板,建立一个查找WinXP的漏洞的policy,取名为XPTest,【 scan type 】设置为【 external 】。
建立好之后,点击该policy进行修改,这里需要点击右边的【 Advanced Mode 】,如下图:






root@kali:~# msfconsole
msf > load nessus  #首先载入模块
[*] Nessus Bridge for Metasploit 1.1
[+] Type nessus_help for a command listing
[*] Successfully loaded plugin: nessus
msf > nessus_help #查看命令:
Command                    Help Text
-------                    ---------
Generic Commands           
-----------------          -----------------
nessus_connect             Connect to a nessus server
nessus_save                Save nessus login info between sessions
nessus_logout              Logout from the nessus server
nessus_help                Listing of available nessus commands
nessus_server_status       Check the status of your Nessus Server
nessus_admin               Checks if user is an admin
nessus_server_feed         Nessus Feed Type
nessus_find_targets        Try to find vulnerable targets from a report
nessus_server_prefs        Display Server Prefs
Reports Commands           
-----------------          -----------------
nessus_report_list         List all Nessus reports
nessus_report_get          Import a report from the nessus server in Nessus v2 format
nessus_report_vulns        Get list of vulns from a report
nessus_report_hosts        Get list of hosts from a report
nessus_report_host_ports   Get list of open ports from a host from a report
nessus_report_host_detail  Detail from a report item on a host
Scan Commands              
-----------------          -----------------
nessus_scan_new            Create new Nessus Scan
nessus_scan_status         List all currently running Nessus scans
nessus_scan_pause          Pause a Nessus Scan
nessus_scan_pause_all      Pause all Nessus Scans
nessus_scan_stop           Stop a Nessus Scan
nessus_scan_stop_all       Stop all Nessus Scans
nessus_scan_resume         Resume a Nessus Scan
nessus_scan_resume_all     Resume all Nessus Scans
Plugin Commands            
-----------------          -----------------
nessus_plugin_list         Displays each plugin family and the number of plugins
nessus_plugin_family       List plugins in a family
nessus_plugin_details      List details of a particular plugin
User Commands              
-----------------          -----------------
nessus_user_list           Show Nessus Users
nessus_user_add            Add a new Nessus User
nessus_user_del            Delete a Nessus User
nessus_user_passwd         Change Nessus Users Password
Policy Commands            
-----------------          -----------------
nessus_policy_list         List all polciies
nessus_policy_del          Delete a policy

msf > nessus_connect  root:123456@  #登陆服务器
[*] Connecting to as root
[*] Authenticated
msf > nessus_save  #保存session
[+] /root/.msf4/nessus.yaml created.

msf > nessus_policy_list #查看policy,这里没有新建policy的命令
[+] Nessus Policy List

ID  Name    Comments
--  ----    --------
1   XPTest  
msf > nessus_report_list #查看所有的扫描记录
[+] Nessus Report List

ID                                                    Name   Status     Date
--                                                    ----   ------     ----
0577dd54-0fa8-7197-ef66-20a5e1fbcc865dcaa6cd19cef8d0  XPSP2  completed  22:42 May 25 2014

[*] You can:
[*]         Get a list of hosts from the report:          nessus_report_hosts <report id>

msf > nessus_report_vulns 0577dd54-0fa8-7197-ef66-20a5e1fbcc865dcaa6cd19cef8d0 #查看某个记录
[*] Grabbing all vulns for report 0577dd54-0fa8-7197-ef66-20a5e1fbcc865dcaa6cd19cef8d0
[+] Report Info

Hostname        Port  Proto  Sev  PluginID  Plugin Name
--------        ----  -----  ---  --------  -----------
msf > nessus_scan_new  #新建一个scan的命令
[*] Usage: 
[*]        nessus_scan_new <policy id> <scan name> <targets>
[*]        use nessus_policy_list to list all available policies



16 + 13 =

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