
生活点滴, 英语学习

First Solar Energy Project on U.S. Indian Tribal Lands Advances

本文转自【 http://xue.youdao.com/biarticle.a?articleId=-2111763880819929716&date=2014-04-16&position=read&channelType=personal 】

Members of the Moapa Band of Paiute in Nevada (above), joined by private sector representatives and state and federal officials, broke ground March 21 on the 250-megawatt Moapa Southern Paiute Solar Project on the Moapa Indian Reservation — the first utility-scale solar project on tribal land.
内华达州派尤特族莫阿帕邦(Moapa Band of Paiute)成员(上图)3月21日与美国私营企业代表和州及联邦政府官员一道,为莫阿帕印第安保留区(Moapa Indian Reservation)250兆瓦的莫阿帕南派尤特太阳能项目举行破土动工仪式(Moapa Southern Paiute Solar Project)。这是在印第安保留区开展的第一个公用事业规模的太阳能项目。

Set to be fully operational by the end of 2015, the Moapa Southern Paiute Solar Project will deliver clean, renewable energy to the city of Los Angeles for 25 years, providing enough energy for more than 93, 000 homes. This amount of renewable energy will displace approximately 313, 000 metric tons of carbon dioxide annually — the equivalent of taking about 60, 000 cars off the road.
定于在2015年年底投入全面运行的莫阿帕南派尤特太阳能项目,将为洛杉矶市(the city of Los Angeles)提供25年清洁再生能源,足够满足93000多户人家的能源需求。这些可再生能源将可每年减少大约31.3万吨二氧化碳排放——相当于让大约6万辆机动车停驶。

The tribe’s leadership requested technical assistance from the Department of Energy on this project, as well as smaller-scale solar projects that could offset the tribe’s high energy costs. Department officials also worked with the Moapa tribe and the Department of Agriculture on an on-site, off-grid solar project that will provide the energy needed to power the tribe’s roadside commercial plaza.
印第安部落的领袖请向能源部(Department of Energy)提出技术援助请求,并要求建立一些可以降低部落昂贵能源费用的较小型太阳能项目。能源部还与莫阿帕部落和农业部(Department of Agriculture)联手开展一个设在当地、不并入电网的太阳能项目,为部落的公路沿线商业服务区提供电力。

Working with tribes on projects helps meet two U.S. policy goals. First, the Obama administration is committed to working to strengthen tribal economies through the development of water, energy and infrastructure projects on tribal lands. In addition, solar and other renewable energy sources feature prominently in the administration’s comprehensive approach to energy security and to combating global climate change.


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